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  Oxford Handbooks from Blackwells  

Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV and AIDS

Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV and AIDS

Price: £29.95

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Author/s: Richard Pattman, Michael Snow, Pauline Handy, K. Nathan Sankar, Babiker Elawad

ISBN: 0198520778

Genitourinary medicine (GUM) is an expanding specialty which is primarily related to the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A number of GUM departments also offer other sexual health services such as contraception, sexual dysfunction and health promotion. Services are provided by multidisciplinary teams which include doctors, nurses, health advisers (who carry out partner notification and counselling), receptionists, laboratory staff and secretarial support. The "Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine HIV and AIDS" provides practical, evidence-based information on the specialty, covering medico-legal, ethical, and procedural issues. The first section deals with routine management, special situations and clinical and laboratory processes. The second section covers genitourinary conditions in a disease-orientated style, including sexually transmitted diseases and other genitourinary problems. The third section on HIV provides a contemporary epidemiological overview of this infection, basic viral biology and pathogenesis, a disease-orientated description of conditions both directly related and opportunistic, and their management, and data on special situations such as pregnancy.

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